Bryan Kumar has been
teaching others how to profit from the Internet quickly and easily, using
informational products, since 1996. He was also one of the first to write
a manual on "Permission Email Marketing Strategies" - a subject that was
rarely being touched by other marketers at the time. His ebooks and reports
have received rave reviews from some of the best marketing minds online.
He is the owner/webmaster of about-secrets.com
and several other sites.
Bryan is best known
for taking the most powerful marketing strategies and concepts, and simplifying
them so it's quick and easy to implement. He believes that by automating,
systemizing and multiplying your business, you can reach your goals a
lot sooner, much more cost effectively, and with considerably less effort.
is currently
a full-time online marketer and information publisher, working out of
his home office, in sunny California.
Others Say About Bryan Kumar and His Products...
ebook was simply the "icing on the cake". I have been meaning
to write you for a long time, because you stand out so vividly
among all the ezine writers and promoters I am subscribed
to in a hugely wonderful way.
don't ever push people. You provide wayyyyy more than you
ever ask of anyone. You give away quality products, ebooks,
reports, and of yourself.
are amazing. That's pretty much my impression!
read your ebook cover to cover, and some parts of it could
have been written by me, the heartbreak parts.... they hit
"home" so closely. FINALLY, after struggling online for nearing
two years, and having financial problems I don't want to even
discuss because it just draws more unto itself, someone MADE
SENSE. That someone is YOU, Bryan. I love you for it! Success
Secrets pdf is a godsend to put it mildly.
you from the depths of my soul,
Maher RN/Webmaster
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Once again, brilliant Internet marketer, Allen Says,
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